A medical ID allows you to communicate your choice when you cannot speak for yourself.
A DNACPR or Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation request is usually made by the patient or health care power of attorney and allows the medical teams taking care of them to respect the patient’s wishes.
In the UK, a DNACPR and advanced life support (ALS) will not be performed if a valid written "DNACPR" order is present.
Although country laws vary, it is typical for emergency medical services personnel who are presented with a valid DNACPR form, signed by your doctor, or who identify a standard DNACPR bracelet on you, to comply with the DNACPR order.
The ReSPECT process helps patients who are nearing the end of life or dealing with deadly illnesses to consult a healthcare professional and explore all options. Sometimes, this option can include a DNACPR form.
Wearing a DNACPR bracelet or necklace has become standard way for people to communicate their choice of a natural death over life.
For additional guidance and information on the requirements for a properly recognised DNACPR, please visit the following available resources:
The following is an electronic DNACPR form for reference. *
*The above is general information provided by Universal Medical ID and is not guidance on the requirements of a proper DNACPR.